I thought this was a beer store. It is. But...it's more. It's a "beer bar". I guess. Okay, so what differentiates this place from any other beer store...
So the selection is ridiculous. If you're a beer lover, you'll be the proverbial kid in the candy store here. And that can be overwhelming...
Except the staff is extremely knowledgeable and apparently spends a good portion of their day drunk, because how else do you know a bit about every beer in a place that has every beer.
Perks? Buy a beer and leave? Sure. But why not get a cold beer and watch a movie at the connected Row House Theater? But Jim, you say, my beer is warm. No. No it isn't friend. They have this magical beer cooling device that takes your warm beer and cools it in a couple minutes. How have I never heard of this device???
Anyway. Very cool, fun, trendy place to take a date who likes beer. Or a buddy who likes beer. Or really anyone who likes beer.*
*This places is not ideal for someone who does not like beer.