Holy shit this place is a circus act. Mike S and I couldn't hold back tears of laughter and we weren't the least bit discreet about it. Inexplicably this is a bicycle enthusiasts' hangout and there are dozens of them loafing around the storefront.
* no beverage menu, prices or sizes
* no discernible line etiquette
* no cash register
* drop dead gorgeous
* huge Silver Jews fan
* high as hell
Seriously, this guy was "in the zone." He was so in the zone that when I commented on him being in the zone he didn't even react. He just walked over to the stereo, changed the Silver Jews track, leaned back into a half squat and belted out a choice lyric like he was a member of Lynyrd Skynyrd.
When he noticed that the napkin dispenser was empty he randomly yelled "fuck!" as if he'd just discovered his home had been broken into, and when I asked him if he had any tea he took about a minute to reply with the options. Then he reached into the canisters with teabags in them and dramatically put what he thought must be peppermint up to his nose and sniffed the teabag.
Mike hazarded a guess that Americano would be on the "menu" and ordered it. At no point did he ask us what size we wanted, or if it was to go or to stay. I got an extra large, and after standing for five minutes wondering if he was going to ring us up, we asked how how much we owed him, and he pulled "How about $4?" out of nowhere.
Sure, bromigo. $4 sounds swell.