| - Never, ever go to this place. Even if you have to pay out of pocket to go somewhere else, it will
be worth it. Apparently UMC & this place have some sort of "connection", so I had no choice. I wanted to go back to Desert Orthopedic that gave me a pain shot that worked. First of all, as others have said, it is impossible to reach someone. I called, sent emails, left voice mails, etc.
They just don't care. I saw Dr. Ashman & honestly I can't even call him a doctor. He sent someone else in to give me the shot. I gave him all of the medications that were in the injection that I got from Desert Orthopedic. He did not follow that & took it upon himself to put other medications in the shot. I saw that the guy going to give me the shot was going to put it in another area of my shoulder. I told him where it was put the last time. He insisted it would still work & did it his way. Later that day I couldn't move my arm at all. Very scary! I do have limited use of my arm now, but the shot did not take the pain away. I am still in severe pain. They are the absolute worst & I will never go back. UMC is still giving me a hard time to go back to Desert Orthopedic, even though they do accept my insurance. I figured out that UMC gets a kick back for everyone they send to Nevada Orthopedic. Sad, but true.....