When my mom picked me up at the airport last week, her car (a 1998 Camry) reeked of gasoline, both inside and out. She had not noticed it because she had a terrible cold and couldn't smell anything! Next morning I borrowed her car and stopped in at Kinkade's and asked them if they would check it out and let me know what the problem was, along with giving me a price quote so mom could make an appointment and get whatever the problem was fixed. I waited about an hour while they looked at it, when someone came out and told me mom had a broken 'o' ring so gas was leaking out of it. However, they also told me they had fixed a broken 'o' ring for her several months ago and it was possible they had "bumped" the now malfunctioning one when doing the previous work. They said for that reason alone, they were going to fix it free of charge. But there's more. Instead of just fixing the one broken ring, they replaced all four of them with new rings; still free of charge. Who does that anymore? I was astounded and mom was so very grateful! It was like an early Christmas gift as far as she was concerned.