I am a firm believer of first impression and doing the job correctly the very first time. Previously I have posted a negative review of GCCP (Green Cleaning Carpet Pros) on our recent activity with the carpet cleaning company and I wanted to updated the public on how the issue was resolved
GCCP had numerously attempted to contact my fiancé to follow up with their most recent carpet cleaning activity within our home. She hasn't answered them because we were on vacation and didn't want to deal talking with them at the moment. Couple days back, she answered their call and the person who called was apologetic and offered to provide the services that was required to satisfy our initial expectations. She asked me of my thoughts and off the bat in my mind I said "no way in hell", but reconsidered only because they were persistent in their attempts on getting a hold of her, displaying the initiative to make matters right
Christian came by this morning and according to my fiancé he was a lot more professional and nicer than the last person. He went into detail on what he planned on cleaning and did include cleaning the two flights of stairs in our home for free. After he was completed, my fiancé took a photo and sent them over to me, and she had mentioned that Christian had done a wonderful job. Whished we did a before and after photo to display the comparison of the two
I needed to see the work myself in person, so when I got home from work I immediately inspected all areas that was cleaned. And I have to admit, he did a very good job and exceeded my expectations.
I am still a firm believer of first impression and a firm believer on doing the job correctly the first time, but when a company (or individual) goes above and beyond to make things right, that tells me that you have great ethical values and that they truly care about their customers.
Thank you GCCP for making things right.