Reminds me of a local Butcher Shop.
Take a Number and await your turn method.
Number sequences are Alphanumeric though.
Multi-step process begins here...
Greeted by a staff-on-a-stool right at the entrance.
To make sure you've filled out a Form.
Did you arrive with a Form in hand?
(X) Yes. Please walk forward and wait in Line to see next Staff.
( ) No. Please turn right and fill a Form. Wait in line to see next Staff.
Do you have the Form filled properly?
(X) Yes. Please take Alphanumeric Number [ A054 ] and have a seat.
( ) No. Please fill here. Take Alphanumeric Number [ A054 ] and have a seat.
Take a seat in the ocean of people.
Kids run around, sound like Kids, smell like Kids.
People step pass you to get into empty seats.
Fiddle with your Phone. Nap zzZZz..Zzz
A soundless CP24 is all I ask, please.
Tick tock... tick tock... tick tock...
Look up at the Number Board.
{-09 I C 275 I B 186 I 06-}
{-14 I D 153 I A 054 I 02-}
{-12 I E 209 I
Officer #2. Friendly. Efficient. Done.
Rinse. Lather. Repeat every 4.5-years.