DO NOT GO TO ANY Goodman & Partridge or MomDoc Midwives Locations. They have HORRIBLE customer service. You will never get a return call back from a Doctor. The business office may call you back 3 days later to schedule.
Every appointment that we had seems like a 1st time appointment. They didn't know what was going on, we had to repeat things over and over again.
But most severe is the issues with medical records. Mom has NOT BEEN PAID by her employer for over 2 MONTHS b/c they will not send the medical records to her insurance. The insurance company has faxed, called, and mailed requests multiple times during a week for 2 months straight.. We have called the Dr. Office every single day for weeks. We went to visit in person. We keep being told they will do it today and it never gets done.
We have been told that our Doctor has been out of the office for over 3 weeks now and they can't send any records because he didn't make any notes in the records. And they have to wait for him to return.. Yet they have no idea when he is "returning".
How do you have a new baby, new expense, and can't get a paycheck to pay bills for over 2 months because of their crappy and lousy service..