| - I hate to give this bad review and the only reason I didnt go as low as one star is because I appreciate that we do not pay a monthly fee for our checking account.
Having said that, I went to the drive up window and sent thru $4 in change in what amounted to a very small corner of the envelope. I was the only one in line in any of the drive-thru's. the lady actually said to me, that it would take her too long to count the 16 quarters that amounted to $4 and that I should pull over and come in so I dont hold up the people behind me. I said, well, had you just counted it instead of talking to me you would have been done by now as it is only $4 and there is not only no-one behind me waiting, there isnt even anyone in any of the other drive-thru's.
The other thing is that they charged us $5 for a notary. Traditionally if you have an account at the bank they do not charge you for the notary.
Thirdly, my husband who has a good job, been at the same job for 4 years and has a credit score of 850, he knows because he stays on top of that. they turned him down for a $6800 car loan on a 2010 Honda Fit that they would hold the title to. We are currently making a payment on the Fit to Honda Financial and wanted to refinance it since Honda is charging 17% interest, no, that wasnt a typo. Our credit shows we have never been late on the payment to Honda and the payment with NSB was going to be $40 less per month and yet they turned him down.
If anyone wants to offer us a loan the actual payoff today on my car with only 10,150 miles on it is down to $5580
He's very angry. I dont know what this world is coming to but I am not in agreement at all.