| - I've been to 4 different state/county fairs in my life, all in different states, and this one is by far the worst. Not only is it $10 to get into this sad fair, but you have to pay $20 to park in some sketchy lot. Then you most likely will have to cross the 6-way intersection to get to the entrance, which seems like it takes eternity. The area where you purchase your tickets is very small and cramped. I came during a busy time ($2 before 2pm day). There seemed to be no real defined lines, just a crowd of people fighting to get to the front. Once I got inside, it was just endless stands of deep fried food and games you can never win at.
There really is not much to do there. I've been to fairs where there were petting zoos, barns full of animals, largest vegetable contests, antique entrees, and Elvis impersonators as well as other somewhat talented performers.The most exciting aspect of the fair was paying 25 cents to feed some ducks through a wire fence. However, HOWEVER, you are allowed to bring in your own food and drinks but if you don't, be prepared to fork over $9 for a beer, $3 for a bottle of water and $5 for one deep fried Oreo. Good luck finding a water fountain, and if you do, it's probably out of order.