We have family in Madison who turned us on to the Kitchen Gallery a few years ago...All I can say is, whenever we do come here, we wind up leaving with a shopping bag! This is the kind of place you feel happy to spend your money in- it's local, it's low pressure, the service is knowledgeable and friendly and they seem to have a bit of everything. Another plus is that it's not overwhelmingly big, like some stores. The only downside is that it's a bit pricey-- not unreasonably so, given the quality of the merchandise, but it's hard not to be able to buy everything you like, especially when so few stores have the items you need and want. We were here last weekend for a new bread cutting board, which we found (made in the US- bonus) and then spotted a clear glass bowl made in France. I'd been looking for such a bowl for my popcorn but it has so many other uses that I may wind up going back and getting two. Prior to this visit, we've bought tea towels and butter knives and all manner of doodads. You can spend a little or a lot- but you're always treated well. One note- they are only open until 3 p.m. on Sundays.