Waste of time.
I'm willing to pay fair market price for vinyl but this guy is totally out of his mind with pricing. I spent 2 hours of my life which I will never get back only for me to take the records up to the front and for him to give me prices that only an idiot would pay. I had about $800 ready to spend but I was so insulted by his number that I didn't even try to negociate. The guy even had the audacity to ask me to put everything back in alphabetical order, yeah that didn't happen.
I understand that prices change in the market and with so many records just collecting dust (i.e. not selling) it would be hard to price everything accordingly but to me its irritating and frustrating. Also, all the records are not facing forward meaning you can only read the spine which takes forever and eventually you walk out with a migraine.
I've heard this guy makes his money from the tourist that come in from overseas with big pockets that don't care what anything costs so I guess that coupled with real-estate in LV so cheap (assuming he owns the property) there really isn't a reason for him to move a lot of inventory.
I met his son during my visit and he seems like a really cool talented kid. I hope one day when he takes ownership of this place it will function as a real record store and finally move some inventory using fair market value.