| - This is a terrific, non-traditional grocery store. Their prices, selection and variety are wonderful, and everyone who works there is pleasant - I've never had a bad experience in roughly 10 years of TJs shopping! This location is an excellent example.
They have tonsof wonderful things!! Most of their products are delicious, inexpensive, often healthy (if you're into that sort of thing - if you want decadent, they have you covered), and, dare I! Everything in here is Trader Joe's brand, but if some things seem familiar, it's because they sometimes have contracts with regular brand-name companies and sell for less under the TJ's label.
They have a great vegetarian selection, all kinds of soups (the frozen French Onion soup is vegetarian and excellent), lovely sauces (our favorite tomato sauce is TJs brand!), an amazing selection of frozen hors d'oeuvres, huge stuffed olives, peanut-butter-filled pretzels, a wide variety of chocolate-covered nuts, berries, coffee beans, etc....I could go on for hours...
The wine is great and there are huge bargains (although I have to admit the two-buck Chuck isn't my favorite). Many a wine-n-cheese night at our house has been inspired by their wine and cheese sample stands (they also have an excellent variety of cheese).
Here are a few bits of advice: the produce is usually very nice but not as huge a bargain as their other stuff. The pita bread and some of their other breads don't last very long at all, so plan to eat it right away or buy it somewhere else (even kept in the fridge - we've often had it go bad within a day or two). They sometimes discontinue items for long periods of time (they haven't been carrying fresh-frozen tuna and swordfish, or meatless meatballs lately - all standard weekly fare at our house, so quite a painful loss).!!