I am writing about my miserable experience with LaserMed Solutions who at the time was owned by a man named D. Slamko. They are now under new ownership in Scottsdale but I believe he is still the owner in Las Vegas. He is still the owner of the Bio Health Sciences, Inc. in Scottsdale.
I filled a small claims against him which cost me approximately $300 for court costs and getting the paperwork to all of the parties involved; and here is the schedule of what happens next.
1. They get their lawyers to move it to Civil Court
2. You have to go to a settlement mediation. If you come to an agreement, your are done and he had to pay me an agreed upon sum of money. I did not have the time, money or energy to go to trial.
3. If you do not come to an agreement, then you go to trial in front of a Judge. I don't know if it costs more money to go to civil court.
This man is a cheat and a liar of the lowest form. Read other reviews from his time in Canada. Whether it is true or not is up to each of us to decide based on the experience we have had with him. It said that he had so many unhappy people that he left in the middle of the night leaving employees and customers with nothing!
I take ownership for my decision to use them before I did my approprite research on him and his unethical practices.
I hope that one day he gets prosecuted for his sleazy practices. If not, Karma is a Bitch Mr Slamko and your time will come that you will be held responsible!