| - Probably one of the most unprofessional medical office staff I have ever encountered. A long story short, I called this morning at 8 am (same time that they opened), I was number 2 in queue, and when I was number 1 in queue my call was forwarded to a voicemail. I left a voicemail & over an hour later there was (of course) no returned phone call. I walked into the office shortly after realizing that their voicemail serves little to no purpose, I talked to the lady at the front desk. I told her I had called when they opened, left a voicemail, and did they have any appointments available for today? She stated the availability, however, they conflicted with all of my class schedule times. Since they only do same day appointments, she informed me that I'd have to call again the next day and (more than likely) go through the same process.
A word of advice, please don't waste your time with these incompetent "medical" office staff, as it appeared that they had a better time joking and laughing behind the front desk then assisting those who are ill.