I wouldn't even give them one star, if I could. Their customer service and employees are extremely bad. THEY JUST DO NOT CARE! I purchased the unlimited tire alignment for the life of the vehicle. WANRING!!!! it is not worth it. I have tried to take my truck to get aligned twice now and both times they tell me they need to fix something before making the alignment. I got those issues fixed and I made an appointment to get my tires aligned. It took them 4 hours to tell me they couldn't do the alignment once again. They said that the lower ball joint was bad and needs to be replaced. They would be happy to replace it for me. My boyfriend informed them that it just got replaced and is a brand new part. Yet, they were happy to show us the newly replaced part now broken along with other parts that are now broken that were not before I took it in. I now have to spend more money fixing my truck because they broke it and I didn't even get the alignment. The one thing I went in for. Do not go there, unless you want them to break your car/truck because that is all they are good for.