Dr. Vankat has been part of our family for a while now. My spouse, my parents, and I have been her patient for about 4 years. Too bad she is also not a pediatrician or our daughter would also be her patient. :) She has yet to fail any of us, we always have a pleasant visit with her. It is always efficient and straight forward visit. She will ask what is going-on, you tell her, she gives you her professional opinion, and if it is not her expertise than she will refer you to a specialist and her office will followup.
True Story - During my yearly physical she saw an area of a concern. She reached out to a specialist directly on his cell and got me in within 48 hours. Specialist realized the urgency and after couple of urgent tests he took care of the issue with a little surgery. All within 2 weeks span. This wouldn't have been possible without her going above and beyond.
Another story - My dad had a open hart surgery, then he had a follow up appointment with her a few days later. The morning of the appointment he was having hard time breathing, so he went to her office as scheduled and she immediately advised him to go to the ER - in the same building, how convenient! :). She got him a wheelchair and by the time we made it to the ER she had already called the doctor on duty and given him the case details. We got there and the bed was ready and the nursing staff was all aware of his situation. She followed-up with the St Rose team thru the whole stay until my father was discharged.
We are very grateful to have such a caring PCP and really appreciate the time and attention that she provides. :)