On Saturday, my daughter showed up for her scheduled #4 wedding dress alternation appointment only to have her unfinished dress returned to her and told to go somewhere else to get it finished! My daughter drove 2 1/2 hours just for this appointment and I was to learn how to do the bustle hooks.
Cora didn't have the professionalism to be there herself, but had a friend stand-in to hand out dresses to a line-up of brides-to-be in various states of distress (one was 1 week away!). The woman stated that "you will be contacted about that" when we asked about a refund...why weren't we contacted by Cora about this incredibly poor situation!??
If Cora's seamstresses "walked out" there MUST have been a good reason - our very professional and talented specialist always saw us on a SUNDAY and many times had been in the shop until 3:00 am just to keep up with all the work! Did Cora not know she was over-booking and over-stressing her very capable staff!? I am sure she did -- Did she care?
thank goodness we found another alteration shop able and willing to finish my daughter's wedding dress. Cora may have two other shops (Columbus and Toledo) - however her Lakewood shop needs to have a serious over-haul of business practices before she ever considers to try it again here (IF anyone will trust her).
Cora better try to make restitution to all these understandably emotional brides-to-be! (if there IS an restitution possible!). BUSINESS LESSONS TO BE LEARNED CORA - don't burn out your staff! don't overbook your commitments! be professional enough to show-face! offer a page-full alternatives to those that you are leaving in the lurch without a finished dress! (not just one name scribbled on the back of a card). Communicate to your customers in advance - not when it is too late!