I went there for an exam - my appointment was with Dr. Frank III. No waiting time and a friendly assistant made lots of tests with me prior to me seeing Dr. Frank who did more tests with me. I had the feeling that it was done thoroughly, I was satisfied with the exam. A sales person recommended some sales packages and options with no pressure. I didn't make a decision yet on buying glasses and I didn't feel to be pushed either. The exam was fully covered by my insurance. There was a special test offered for an additional fee out of my pocket but I refused to go for it and this was ok.
I have one suggestion though when making an appointment for the exam: It would be good to tell people at scheduling the appointment about the test with the eye drops that opens the pupils. Light will be very sensitive to your eye for few hours and sun glasses will be mandatory to wear. For example driving a car without protection is not possible. Dr. Frank gave me some plastic glasses though but they didn't fit too well, so having your own sun glasses with you is a good idea.