Im glad that Juice Express was there, since Im a vegetarian, airports have even less to offer than your typical restaurant. My problem is that these smoothie places are all making you choose your smoothie by a name that they give them along with a gimmick like boosts or things to dilute it out like fillers and such that aren't exactly making your smoothie a healthy option.
When I go to these places, I have to ask for an "all fruit smoothie", from which I usually get a blank stare in response. So then I have to ask what actual fruit do they have that isn't a concentrate or a sherbet, then from those I tell them what I would like in my smoothie, and have them make it for me.
I think it is pretty ridiculous that I have to tell people how to make what they are essentially advertising but dooping everyone with fillers and non healthy/non natural options.
When smoothie places realize that most people go to them for a healthier option, maybe they will wise up, and ordering something good for you might not be such a pain.