When you have time before EDC you go to grab food and drinks. Jamba was down the way from a friends and sounded really good. I hadn't had Jamba in a while and needed a fix of something from the secret menu. We stopped in and saw there were a couple people waiting but still decided to order. I went first and ordered a sour patch kids medium. My friend went next and ordered two small smoothies. We stood to the side since all the seats were taken. We started talking and after while figured out there was only two people working. I understand it was Sunday but I've seen slower stores with double that.. We had already ordered so fuck it we were gonna wait. Closer and closer it came to our order. I finally go mine and they had made it wrong. Usually it have a purple color because it have some berries and whatever in there but it was maybe a light pink. It still tasted good so I decided to just deal with it. It just didn't have the sour I was looking for. But no need to make there job harder. More people had come in after us and didn't want to make there wait worse. My friend got both her drink and they upgrade her for the wait.. Umm Hello.. I waited just as long as her... Eh, whatever. I know now not to go into this one when it busy.