I have never been treated so terrible in my whole life. Here's my rant, a friend and I stopped in one day after high school. I was a senior at a catholic private school at the time so I was required to wear a fancy uniform so I looked highly presentable. I picked a shirt up I was thinking of getting and held it as we browsed through the store. They announced they were closing and I was across the store from where I got the shirt. Deciding not to get it, I placed it on a near by shelf. My friend checked out, and as we were walking out of the store a woman that worked there said to me "where is the shirt you were holding". I told her I had placed it on the self in the back, and said sorry for not putting it back. She said " I walked back there and didn't see it, so where is it" and clearly implied that i stole it. I told her again that it was on the shelf as nice as I could and she then told me that she didn't believe me and told me to go back there and get it or else she was going to search me. Now I get that it doesn't matter that the shirt was 50 cents because stealing is still wrong but because I didn't steal it and told her so I feel Im justified in being furious that I was publicly humiliated and falsely accused over 50 cents. I walked to the back of the store picked it up and started walking back and then the lady said in a grossly rude tone " well I didn't see it back there" no apology, no nothing. I handed it to her and walked out. I've never been there since. I was so angry I forgot to get her name tag so I could complain to the manager. I have never been treated so badly by anyone let alone a complete stranger and store clerk. I don't shop at stores that hire such terrible staff.