The most horrid shopping experience ever! Very few clothing options for customers in their 20'-50's. Most items are geared towards the 60-80 age range. I did find a couple of items to try on and this is where everything totally went down hill!
Back at the dressing room were three employees. Two of them were being scolded by a German or Austrian woman telling them they are not hanging things correctly on displays. All three completely oblivious to my need to try on some items. I finally interrupted and one employee said to go in. One of the tops was cute but it had a hole in it. I asked if they had more sizes in the back as this was the only medium they had on display and I just got "I don't think so."
After that disappointing exchange of words, I used the restroom. DIRTY!!! There was feces on the plumbing by the flush lever and on the wall!!! Yes, feces sprayed in places that it should not be. The seat cover dispenser lay on the floor and the toilet paper dispenser was almost meeting it's counterpart, hanging on by a screw. I do not think someone had a wild poop party, I just think their restrooms are seriously neglected.
So far, starting to see a pattern of neglect. Well, I kept, then purses. I did find a cute purse. Walked up to the register and the clerk proceeded to comment on how cute the purse was. I might as well have been talking to the wall. I responded and the clerk was focused on goings on at another register. The only other verbal exchange after I swiped my card was "Here you go". No "thank you" or "have a nice day".
The neglect that just oozes out of this store weighed heavy on me and within 2 hours I was back and returned the purse. When asked why I was returning the purse, I said "Poor customer service experience" to which I received an "Oh!"
Oh, and by the way, I will not be back!