YES YES YES!!! Everything about this event is awesome (except maybe the pricetag...and the fact that I had to work and could only make it to 1 day...sadface).
There was obviously a lot of thought put in the planning of this event. The stages and soundsystems were set up perfectly, and the timeline of the shows worked really well. It seemed like the stages were all kinda music genre themed, and made alot of sense. There were also plenty of other options of things to do... arts+crafts/chef demos/dancing/sitting around....
Things I loved:
+MUSIC: SWITCHFOOT, Panic! @ the Disco, The Weeknd, HolyGhost!, EchoSmith, times!
+Diff dance/lounge areas put on by different vendors
+Whole Foods coconut water
+Cafe Bustelo's free coffee/phone charging station :)
+H2O tanks!
+People watching
+overall pleasant happy crowd
+"in & out" privileges....the wristband means you can come and go as your please!
-Everything costs $$$ if tickets already don't cost enough...
-Where is the SODA?!?!?! All I wanted was a coke/pepsi to caffeinate, but there was NO SODA ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!
My greatest regret this year is that I missed seeing Foo Fighters on Day 3 bc of work :'(
Overall, I had a super fun time here. Way to go, LIB! Keep it up!