We came here today after I discovered I had a dead battery. Having never needed to change the battery on my car before I was surprised to learn that now they're being installed in the rear of the engine... for whatever reason, so that its impossible to change yourself. Thanks Ford. Anyways we were told to come here after the auto zone guy said he wouldn't touch it. I checked the reviews after we already were here and started to second think. But as I read further it seems as if there was a change in managers and that things are looking up.
We were promptly greeted by Monte, the new manager, who told us it was no problem, I decided to add on an oil change and new wiper blades since we were already here. He quoted me about two hours due to my ridiculously placed battery. Jump to one hour later i get the call that its done. Well mostly, they didn't do my wiper blades, they would have to go buy the part and end up charging me more, he told me to go buy them tomorrow (at the same price the shop would need to buy them) and that they'd install them free of charge for me.
All in all it was a great experience. And I don't think Ive ever said that for anything automotive related before in my life.