| - Some of my friends are die-hard wing enthusiasts. They're also from Mississauga. So it's a given that they would choose this place to try out for the Raptors game.
First impression...
Not too packed for a Friday night, lots of TV screens all around. Perfect for game night. Walking in, we were greeted within seconds by very friendly waitress. The crowd appeared to be mostly 20 to 30 something-year-olds in mid-sized groups. Packed bar. Washrooms were nice and clean.
But guys, please, can we switch over from the strong vinegar-water concoction for wiping tables? Or whatever it is-- the smell is unbearably strong!
We tried :
Wings: Big Boys Cool Toys (Mild, Honey Gar, Roasted Gar, Blue Cheese)
Wings: Taj Mahel (Suicide, Voodoo, Pineapple, Maple)
Wings: Dry Tex Mex.
Wings: Interview with a Vampire (Hot, Gar Par)
Flatbread: The Big E (Grilled chicken, onion, tomato, mesquite sauce)
My favourite was the Big Boys Cool Toys. Sloppy, creamy, fully covered in sauce and delish!
I was expecting the Taj Mahel to be a real kick in the mouth. I am a big chicken (pun intended) when it comes to suicide sauce so I was loathing the minutes to come after I tried this one. I bravely picked one up, only to find out that chef had forgot to slap on the suicide sauce. Phew! BUT, the bravehearts that we were, we decided to ask for the the "Scorpion Kiss" sauce on the side to get the full Taj Mahel experience. We used our celery sticks to artfully brush on the sauce where it originally belonged. BAM. There's the kick we came seeking for. Loved it.
The flatbread was more calorie-ridden than first expected. It was far from healthy and drizzled with tons of sauce. Yet, no complaints since it was loaded with chicken and very tasty.
Since it was a Friday, we took advantage of the $3.95 bottled beers.
Our waitress was very kind. She was very knowledgeable about the wings and had good recommendations. It was busy, but she managed to check up on us fairly regularly over the course of the night.
Walked away thinking....
"Wish I could take home some of that suicide sauce"... and "Darnit Raptors!!"