I wondered how they get the meat inside the Pupusa... until I went to this place. They have a window to look inside the kitchen and watch the lady make the pupusas. I was staring in amazement as she made those little pockets of tortilla goodness. There were a few moments where I gazed into her eyes and expressed my fondness of how she so lovingly hand crafted the pupusas. That day I fell in love with the pupusa maker...
but I digress...
This place looks like a fast food place inside - not too much atmosphere. Good service except for the fact that I do not speak spanish, but I do pretty good with pointing at the pictures on the menu and smiling.
The food... The pupusas are where it's at. The rest of the food was just average Mexican food. I have had pupusas at other places, but these were better. They seemed to be bigger and had more filling.
I saw a guy eating what looked like chicharones... I am looking for those on the menu next time - they looked so good.
This place is way cheap too. You can get a lot of food here for your money!