| - I came in literally to pick up my mom's phone after a battery change that she gave me authorization to do so. I walked in nervous and looked for someone to help me. The first guy to approach me told me to wait by the tv next to the door that goes behind the store. I was fine with that. However, upon waiting and glancing around he was doing absolutely nothing and could've helped me. I'm still waiting; and Lisa appears stating my mother's name and that she's ready to talk to me. I inform her I have been given permission to collect the phone for my mom. She says ok; and asks for I.D. I present my I.D. after momentarily struggling to find it. She then tells me my mom didn't pay so I need to pay for it. Frantically, I call my mom which then leads me to needing to call my dad. I call my dad and while we are saying "hello", she states that she has something in the back she needs to work on, and when I'm ready I should find her. Not even five minutes later, I finish what I needed to do and look for her. I approach one of her female peers and ask if they could locate her. They do. Immediately she doesn't come back to me, but starts helping another customer. So I'm irritated, but get back in line because I'm not leaving until the favor for my mom is accomplished. While waiting for Lisa, she finishes her interaction with said customer, THEN helps another customer. Finally, she helps me and then I leave. Honestly, I may give this particular store one more chance, but they better redeem themselves or they will lose my business forever.