| - I feel like such an idiot - we tried this place when we first moved here, walked in, then walked right out.
7 months later, we say "hey, let's try this place Dukes ! Never been there "
I groaned to my self when we walked in "you IDIOT". This place still sucks.
OK , we wanted to see game 3 of the Heat-Thunder finals, and guess what the audio was in the bar ? A frikking GOLF tournament ! Can you say LAME ?
So we walked in and politely asked these 2 scummy 20-somethings if someone was sitting on the table between them and the big screen showing the bball game (which also overlooked the temporary kiddie play area with about 8 6 year olds having a birthday party - egad)
One of them said "yea, they're free, if you don't block my view". I glared at him with my best "as if..." look (he was puny). So we sat down, I looked at the kids, then my wife, and we both said 'let's go back to Majerles", so we left.
I just don't like the layout of the place, it's got awkward and uncomfortable seating, and the absolutely worst thing about this dump ?
Kids-in-the-bar. Yes, there are kids in the big section off to the right. I don't go to a bar that allows kids (Zipps in N. Scottsdale does and they're off my list, too)
Anyway, there are TONS of better bars around town and I dunno, the place just gives me the hibbidy-jibbidys for some reason...