Such a beautiful museum. A wonderful blend of modern and classic art. Lots of sculptures and exhibits as well. So if you're not into canvas work they have a good variety.
There were two pieces that stuck with me... The tumbling woman at 911 and the girl with the sweatshirt and hair on the floor.
The Tumbling Woman was literally breathtaking. She was heavy and strong because of her size, build, pose and the medium.... but she was also light and airy because of the position (like tumble weed in a windstorm). And the location within the museum was perfect.... alone in a space right next to a grand window revealing skyscrapers behind her. It definitely is a beautiful homage to 911 and all the fear and struggle it caused.
The girl with the sweatshirt is creepy. Reminded me of that movie The ring when the girl came out of the Tv! But is this sculpture praying, meditating, crying? Her pose is weak and humbled yet her dark clothes, hand positioning and hair show strength and lack if fear. Such a confusing contradiction that it adds to the discomfort you feel as you gaze down on her. I mean should I help her up because she is in pain or run away because she may attack me!
If you are in the area please go visit this museum. You will find works of art that are beautiful and memorable in so many ways.