That's all I can really think. Why? Why do most people prefer generic chain restaurants over the local flair? Why is it that places like PF Chang's are considered "like, oh my god, sooo good!"? Why?
I mean, the food is edible. It has flavor. The menu offers variety. You get to eat your food in a comfortable setting with somebody waiting on you, refilling your glass, clearing the table... And then you get to go back to your ordinary lives.
Ok, so maybe I'm being a little too hard on PF Chang's. I'm not the first person to diss chain restaurants. I'm not even the first to secretly admit to liking a few. I do. But, when given the option of exploring a local eatery that sells more than the "paint by numbers" entrees, I'll pick the original, exciting and off-the-beaten-path place 99.4% of the time.