WASTE OF TIME!! RUDE JUDGEMENTAL PEOPLE!! I took my 8 yr old daughter there, waited 45 minutes after filling out an "application" / "interrogation" to even "look" at the kittens. Then, after reviewing our app, we were told basically we aren't good enough people to adopt one of their pets and to try the shelter!! All because we were honest about a cat we had, that got out and ran away when we moved into our new house! My daughter left in TEARS and with the lesson: Lie to get what what you want! We should have been dishonest on our application. I am a professional woman and have never been treated like that! Guess what Sun Valley? We did get a kitten from a sweet lady that day and she is happy and being well taken care of. You can keep your animals! Please DO NOT take your children there because there is a good chance you will be turned away and the kids left in tears! Who wants to go through that? Either that or lie on your application /interrogation. I wish I would have read the reviews first