| - Usually I use this platform in hopes to bring public awareness of positive reflections of people, places and things I've had experience with. I also use this platform to bring public awareness to others of negative experiences I've had with people, places and things. In this case it is of the latter...the unfortunate kind...a caution.
We took my father here to see this doctor and he entered the room with the most aloof introduction of who he handshake to greet us and ask our names, nothing but a smug remark of "So what's the problem?" What? What doctor says that? How unprofessional. We began to tell him the story of how our father fell ill and came to need a catheter, had a serious UTI and a diagnosis of the prostrate. He kept drinking a large mug of coffee and ignoring what we had to say, as if the taste of his coffee was more interesting than his patient's concerns. He then got up from his chair and walked over to our father, (who was on a stretcher due to a recent stroke and heartattack which left him unable to stand) and announced to him that he was about to examine him. Our father is hard of hearing so my sister mentioned to the doctor that our father probably could not hear him because of that and to our disgust, the doctor just rolled his eyes as is if he was bothered by that. How rude and highly unprofessional. Who does this?? Needless to say this doctor clearly, highly lacked compassion! I stress here this doctor had none. He was so cold and very rude. He then left the room and told us he'd be right back not telling us where or what he was doing. When he arrived back into the room, he had a pad of paper that he scribbled down some information faster than the speed of light and as every sentenced seemed to end he pounded his pen as if he was angry. We thought this very odd and peculiar. When we left we discussed how disappointed we felt that we had subjected our father to such an uncompassionate doctor and so removed from connecting to the patient and family. It turned out to be a wasted appointment that got no results, as we knew we'd never be back. When we got home we googled this doctor and found so many awful reviews that confirmed what we had experienced also. We also found an article in the Las Vegas Sun that was written about this doctor and the charges made against him for his unforgivable act of malice while his patient was on the operating table. The charges placed against him show what a cold, callous and arrogant doctor he is. How dare he did what he did to that poor patient. If you are ever seeking medical treatment for yourself or any family member for urology we would certainly not recommend an appointment with this man. He should be disbarred for what he did. And this review is the karma that his lack of professionalism and compassion towards people has earned him.