| - I passionately loved Sterling Brunch for years. IT was an old, classic Las Vegas atmosphere there. Guests were dressed up because they were coming to restaurant, not buffet. After remodeling Bally's steakhouse has been changed to BLT restaurant with buffet atmosphere. NO more white tablecloth, no more white linen napkins. You are coming and can see a new , modern restaurant, nothing special, one of hundreds in Vegas. Some guests were in shorts and flip flops. Less food, still good, the same champagne. You have to order caviar, can't take it by yourself. Somehow the desert table was much less than it was before, no more crepes with berries and cognac. It's so different, so disappointing. Have to be honest the service is the same. Almost the same personnel that was there at Bally's Steakhouse. Fo r the price that they charge now $95 wouldn't recommend this buffet any more.