I really wish I could leave no stars. I came here two weeks ago to get my nails done for my birthday and I got them done by this guy who was so nice. He brought me back this time but unfortunately he wasn't there so I settled for the owner.. she just cut off all of my nails, even when I said I wanted to keep my length. She just rushed through it all, and half assed it all. Then this customer came in and sat next to me to get her nails done. She just questioned things a bit and the lady who started to do her nails started to get disrespectful.. then just flat out refused to finish her nails. This customers was nothing but nice and cordial. Remaining cool and collected even under circumstances and the owner and the other nail tech were just so rude. I couldn't wait to hurry up and get the hell out of there it was so uncomfortable. Management needs to learn how to talk to people. Will never come back.