| - To make a very long drawn out story short, I've had the worst experiences with this Sprint store and it's customer care phone number as well.
Over the years I have come to this store and it seems like it gets worse and worse with it's customer service specially with this, so called Store Manager Abigail, she at first seems sweet and kind and understanding, but truly they are all the same after your wallet. They do not explain everything that you have to pay, they do not explain how much your bill will go up, and they also do not explain why they will remove your warranty and add spotify to your phone without asking and charge up a bill for you if you aren't paying attention.
I have called about this bs service and all I can say is save your money and time and go to T-Mobile or Verizon and do a month to month contract, because Sprint doesn't care about who screws you they just keep apologizing and not fixing what the store manager did.
Numerous time I have called Sprint Care about the issue and despite having receipts and proof that they screwed me, the company doesn't do refunds, but will lower the bill, well my normal bill for myself and family is always 170 flat, I have never gone over my minutes or added any programs to charge my account, but magically they appear on my bill and if your not reading your bill your paying more out of pocket.
I keep calling every month and I am told every time don't worry it won't be added on and we will fix the issue, well no issue is fixed and it is added on and I have to call to get it off again. Plus I again never go over my minutes and they claimed I did and I had proof, so they lowered my bill back down to where it was, because they caught the error, but every month??
Like I said your a die hard fan of Sprint then hey good for you, but in the end truth hurts I catch on to there scheme and they remind of AT&T allot, just hide the numbers and reasons why they jack your price up.