they're good sandwiches. not the sort you see everywhere else, slightly on the healthier side, made with pride by folks who always seem to be in a prrretty good mood....for WHATEVER reasons. their food seems slightly overpriced to me, but it's worth it sometimes to get that CHEBA experience. and THAT is why i was so sad to hear that they would soon be serving ALCOHOL,,,TERRIBLE IDEA! i believe this idea sucks so seriously that i could go on for some time about it (and several people i've spoken to fully agree). but here are a few key reasons why it's a lousy idea; 1. the cheba atmosphere will NOT mix well with drunk/drinking patrons. 2. there is alcohol available virtually anywhere in that whole neighborhood (entirely not a novel item). 3. it will be open too late (for stoners) now. people will think it's uncool. an alcohol environment will bring AALLLL sorts of unwanted elements to this true staple of the tempe area. i have been a fan since 2002, and wish they would reconsider this ill-conceived scheme. how about some coffee, some tea, some other kind of healthier ...mellower beverages?? now that would be nice. if you agree, let them know that Tempe doesn't need ANOTHER BAR!