| - I visited BurgerFi yesterday on a business lunch. The place we'd originally intended to go to was closed so my friend suggested this place. I'd never heard of it, but I'm a sucker for hamburgers so it took no additional effort to convince me.
We rolled up and were second in line. The counter server, Jacy was helping the customer in front of me so this gave me time to check out the menu.
Full disclosure, I'm a burger snob. I can't overstate this. I've worked as a cook, even at the fine-dining level. What I'm trying to say is that I have VERY lofty expectations for what I'm willing to consider good food.
It was finally our turn to order. I let my friend go first, buying just a few more moments for my decision. I selected the Conflicted Burger. This has a meat AND a veggie patty. There are very few examples of veggie patties that I'm willing to gag down.
I also ordered the french fries. I had originally ordered the large fries, but she assured me the regular was enough for two people.
Anyway, Jacy and I got to chatting about food and stuff and as a result she forgot to include my little "food is ready" buzzer. No problem, she said - she'll just bring the food out when it's ready.
We went to our table. My friend had to take a phone call so he went outside. Invariably the food showed up. I wasn't going to wait for him, primarily because he was a guy and social graces are lost on some of us. Plus, it was a hamburger and to hell with patience.
My first bite told me all I needed to know...this was going to be one of my new favorite hamburger spots. It was awesome. In fact, I need a new word to describe this hamburger. It was "sellyourchildrenforhamburgermoney" good. The french fries were just as good. On one hand I was disappointed that I didn't get the shipping-container-ship sized basket; on the other, I'm glad Jacy suggested the regular because I would have eaten all of them and put myself into a potato-coma.
Here's where the perfect hamburger w/ fries experience got even better. Jacy came out to see how our burger was. Remember, she's a "counter server"...think "person that takes your order and stays behind a counter", only not like that. I know that many people are put off by the prospect of paying fast food workers $15/hour, but this girl deserves it. In fact, she deserves to have a franchise of her own. She epitomizes customer care.
Well, that's all I have to say about BurgerFi except that I'm afraid I'm going to have to get another gym membership to offset the inevitable calories this place is going to represent.