Want to come back here to try the pizza, as their oven did not look like a joke. But I thought the pasta was ludicrously heavy-handed.
House made fresh pasta. Nearly impossible to go wrong when that's your starting point. It doesn't need all that much else. Decent olive oil, a fresh herb or two, non-Velveeta cheese....there's just no reason to go throwing the entire cabinet at it. It's hard to argue with a more focused approach, unless you are on a higher plane of cooking sentience (and if you are, by all means go nuts!)
The cavatelli was a red pepper bomb.......herb-blanketed anarchy. The canelloni was so creamy, so remorselessly decadent that I found myself craving some Olive Garden fettuccine alfredo to lighten the meal (that said, the very first bite was pretty god damned good). But if you brush all the stuff off from both dishes you're left with some nice fresh pasta, cooked well and showcasing impeccable texture. So for that reason alone this place doesn't fall into stay-far-away territory.