WORST WORST WORST EVER!!!!! If you can go with ANY other provider, run as FAR away as you can from Cox. Their email service is a JOKE!!! There is virtually NO spam protection. Their "blacklist" can not be edited other than deleted, so although you can add an email,you can't edit it to have the entire domain blocked.... which we all know is pointless when it comes to spammers. When I asked their support their solution to this, I spoke to three different people. They either were extremely stupid or they tried to avoid the question because they realize that their answer was on acceptable... Their answer/solution-create a rule! I am not creating 500 rules because YOUR spam blocker functionality sucks. I continue to get spammed and when I go to add more to the list I get a funny little message that says "cannot add sender to blacklist because sender is already on blacklist"... If the sender was already on the blacklist then why am I getting it in my inbox and not in SPAM????? I literally get hundreds of emails a day because Cox cannot filter out blatant obvious spam. Their tech support loops you around and around and around intentionally because they KNOW their answers are insufficient!