How do I even begin to describe my experience here? I've had such a positive one that I would even go as far to say that I'd come back to Pittsburgh just to go to Pamela's!
First to note: the GPS will actually lead you a little past Pamela's to a parking lot, which is actually great because you'll need to find parking anyways. It was actually at that parking lot that the guy manning the front told us to order the potatoes at Pamela's, which we did and they were AMAZINGLY GOOD.
I'm getting a little ahead of myself. The wait was about an hour for 4, but since we were only 2 people, we were told to check back in 30 min. We took that time to visit the Strip District, which is really lovely (chocolate, candy, free samples of cheesecake...). We were seated about 40 min after we put our names down, which is actually pretty good considering how busy it was.
Friend and I both ordered hotcakes with a side of the potatoes. SERIOUSLY SO GOOD. I'm craving it already! Crispy and slightly caramelized at the edges with delicious fillings- seriously you can't go wrong with the hotcakes.
And the the potatoes are so good- I still don't quite grasp what umami is but THESE POTATOES make me think of that description- so delicious that even when you're full, you'll keep eating. "I don't think I can eat anymore" was said as we stuffed our faces with the potatoes!
Easily the best brunch we've had here in our weekend trip to Pittsburgh. Like I said, I'd come back just for Pamela's. Amazing stuff right there!