I'm standing at the counter, lovely server staring at me.. I stammer out "Umm... what is.. Dirt And Worms?" Apparently it's a fancy hot chocolate with all sorts of whippery and gummi worms on top, if I recall correctly. There's one whole section of the chalk menu devoted to strange custom drinks like this, too crazy to remember off-hand, and it only adds to the adorableness of Red Rocket.
I'm down with the simple stuff, so I settled for my regular order of a soy latte which was perfectly lovely; not even the fact that this was my 5th coffee of the afternoon could ruin it! Our ragtag bunch had to mill around a bit and then make the best of some bar seating as the small amount of tables (quite cramped up) were all taken. In the end it was a decent spot to sit, if only to be constantly distracted by the bits and bobs of kitsch and pop culture ephemera strewn effortlessly around the walls/counters/shelves. Like a cherry on top of an ice cream sundae. Just lovely.
Red Rocket on Queen was a great end point to our UYE coffee crawl, the natural progression of caffeination along Queen East. While I am not really ever in the area, RR has a quaint little charm I think i'd like to make a point of revisiting (perhaps in patio weather to get a better seat!). If it weren't for the adorable kitsch and server, it'd be a 3 - but I can't let its location (inconvenient to me) drain away that extra star.