This place is terrible. It started off as an ok experience but the more I had to interact with the William (the owner?) the more frustrated I got. I ordered multiple team buys for multiple batches of wine.the website only allowed me to submit one kind of wine. So I contacted the store via email to say that I wanted different kinds of wine. He confirmed the number of vouchers and the date I needed them by. Then 3 months later he informed me that he only made 1 batch because I didn't submit the different kinds of wine. Perplexed by his response I replied with the original email string. He retaliated with terrible email stating "I can attach all the emails I want, I won't be getting the wine because I didn't submit them on his website." I don't think this is anyway to talk to your customers! If you screwed up make up to your customers instead of lashing out at them!
Good luck staying in business when you attack your customers I know you won't be growing your business from word of mouth.