It's interesting that this style of show fits in better in any other decade of Vegas than the current. This is authentically old school from the performances down to the theater itself.
These guys sing fantastic. I seemed to be mostly drawn to listening to Toby, the bass of the quartet. I wish I could sing like that! The blending of harmonies seemed effortless and I actually preferred when they sang acapella over with the full band. Don't get me wrong though, the band kicked butt as well but everyone knew who the stars were.
Random side note but the youngest member of the group reminded me of Pete Campbell from "Mad Men". I started thinking about the slippery personal slope he's been on this season and it has been enjoyable as hell.
Stand out songs for me were "Ooo Baby, Baby" (like buttah!) and "Just My Imagination". Human Nature certainly know how to work a crowd. Everyone was on their feet, clapping and singing along by the end.
Most people would have a preconceived idea of 4 white guys singing the best of Motown as terrible but this was anything but that. They were shockingly great. I'd recommend this to pretty much anyone.