| - I'm amazed at several of these negative reviews, as these people either know nothing about this church (read that "never attended") are Biblically ignorant, or simply godless trolls doing their best to discredit this church that continues to draw thousands to The Lord through Biblical-based teaching and tremendous works locally and around the world.
We have attended CCV since it was operating out of a rented high school auditorium and have personally seen thousands come to Christ and our community, neighborhood, and many places around the world transformed by the works of this church. It has never been "all about the money" - in fact, THEY DON'T EVEN TAKE AN OFFERING AT THEIR SERVICES. Seriously, how many churches do that?
While this is a large church, the emphasis is on neighborhood groups, and there are THOUSANDS. For most of us, our church family consists of 10 - 20 neighbors that we support and strengthen.
If you want to know the truth about CCV, talk to someone who actually attends - it's not hard to do, as there are over 28,000 of us scattered throughout the Valley. Now, you can even go online and watch a live or recorded service to get an idea of exactly what goes on, then decide for yourself whether it's right for you. Hopefully, you will as it is a wonderful experience being surrounded by friendly people (you will be welcomed numerous times before you even reach the front door) who are seeking the same things you are.