| - Thank you Winking Lizard Corporate for making my decision to reduce my patronage of your establishment that much easier. Our family was excited when the Brunswick Winking Lizard (WLB) opened and it has become a regular, almost weekly, sometimes daily, choice for us to enjoy great service and good food in our area.
However, after experiencing your recent menu changes (which we knew were coming but not to the extent they have) we decided this evening to sharply reduce our patronage. We have made good friends in the staff of WLB with them almost all knowing our likes, dislikes, sharing family stories and really feeling like this was a true local establishment.
You can then understand why we were so surprised to find that you made major changes and eliminations to the menu items which were based more on your chain as a whole and not on the local flavors and desires of your patrons. Obviously the people in one area may not enjoy an item to the extent another does but using average data to deny all patrons those items seems a bit short sighted.
This evening we literally sat down for a meal we would otherwise have greatly enjoyed only to order sodas, one appetizer and make the decision to leave because there was literally multiple menu choices we normally enjoy removed from the menu. One, two items.. sure.. but eliminating enough items to cause an entire party to decide there was nothing there for them? You might want to look into that.
What really stuck me as darkly humorous was how happy our server was to tell us that we could now order wings in packs of FIVE instead of SIX! While this makes them easier to count, once you realize they're still the same price you realize it's more about maintaining or increasing your profit margin than it is about "ensuring the freshest food for our customers."
I think I finally understand why the Lizard is Winking at it's customers.
So, best of luck with your new menu, I'm sure those who can't get a seat at the always crowded Panini's up the block will still need somewhere to overflow to. I hope the penny-wise and pound-foolish approach works for you. It will be sad to see another abandoned space in an Ohio strip mall.