Arizona State Fair? More like Phoenix Carnival. It`s a joke. We go every year just to get food and hopefully stumble across a decent exhibit. Not this year. The exhibits are fewer than usual with a lot of regular things missing. The food prices have gotten out of control. The vendors are selling garbage and some of the shirts are offensive to me if I had any young kids and I`m a retired sailor that still cusses daily. I feel bad for the kids that have livestock and almost anybody else that enters their wares in the competitions as the buildings they have to set up in are run down ghetto class structures. Is this really the best this state can do for a "fair". On the plus side, $2 admission is nice after getting reamed for $10 onsite parking. This a money machine, not a state fair. The people that represent our state and let this happen should be ashamed to be associated with it. Do yourself a favor and head to San Diego to the Del Mar/San Diego County fair. Still a money pit but 300% better.