I'm having surgery this Monday for a hysterectomy. I have endometriosis and polycystic ovaries but i stayed my period which is sky rocket hell pain for me and you can't take ibuprofen before a surgery so my doctor gave me a prescription for oxycodone. Now i had just picked up my prescriptions for my surgery a few days ago which my doctor told me to get them not because i will not be able to do it after my surgery. Well one of those prescriptions was also a narcotic. So coming in today to fill that oxycodone to get me by till my hysterectomy Monday they refuse to fill out. He says you just picked up something like this to days ago. So i tried to explain what i just wrote here but he would only half listen to me. I kept telling him and he said fine I'll have to call the doctor to make sure it's okay. So around and around on the phone they go. FINALLY he's gets the understanding from the doctor. Sort of. Then he proceeds to tell me how i was supposed to pick up those surgery meds after my surgery. How the h... ! Ugh I'm having surgery and no. Anyway i finally got through that. I don't care to be treated like I'm scamming the system or something! Jumping to conclusions instead of trying to understand and help. People seem to be more incline to be negative then helpful even professionals while doing their job they get paid for!