Went to Haps for lunch today. I walk up to the register and the lady just stares at me and kind of looks annoyed. No hello. Or can I help you? Maybe even a what would you like to eat today? None of the above. I ordered pulled pork, garlic mashers and a drink. Over eleven dollars, pretty high prices for the little I got. After I paid I did not even get a thank you, she pretty much still had her unwelcoming look. Pretty pathetic. Even more pathetic is the tip jar this woman had in front of the register. I ordered my food from the register then got up to get my food that was sitting on the counter getting cold. Cant believe she did not walk it over to me or at least let me know it was ready. Why do you think you deserve a tip after your horrible customer service? I get better service at Whataburger. They greet you, thank you and deliver the food to you. They also don't have a tip cup out begging for money. The pulled pork was lacking sauce so I ask for more and was maybe given one ounce in a small plastic container. I sat in Haps for about 30 minutes. Only one person came in. You would think with so little customers coming in they would be more welcoming. Next time I want bbq I will go to Costco. Better pork, less expensive and they know how to say hello and thank you. Haps management if you care, the employee who was lacking the customer service skills was the spanish speaking lady.