| - Tilted Kilt taught me something, huge breasts and a pretty face will never ever replace quick, courteous, attentive service. Watching the game, it took me a good 10 minutes for the waitress to even ask me what I wanted to drink. I ordered my food and beer, but for some stupid reason, the food came out before the beer (No head on it either, so clearly it was sitting around for a bit). Of course, after I finished my beer, it took another 20 minutes for the waitress to ask if I wanted another. During those 20 minutes, I was looking for my waitress, and of course I see her standing around in the front of the door, chatting with other waitresses, or flirting with other guys for more tips. Either way, I want my beer. Doesn't help the food wasn't that good either, and I wasn't able to eat it with nothing to wash it down. I rather just head over to Hooters.
Where is that great Irish Pub? I'm 0-3 already.