2nd time to Red Rock Canyon was fun. Still $7 but noticed you can charge it! Shoulda done that. Scenic 13-mile one way drive. Saw an Albertson's Grocery store on the way in, best to stop to get lunch before going to the park - No food/water there.
We did a few hikes this time:
Calico I to Calico II and back. It was ok.
Sandstone Quarry - would have liked to see more of it, but not enough time. Saw some square rocks.
High Point Overlook - kinda overcast and gray, not good when I went.
Went to the Willow Springs Picnic Area and saw some Pictographs.
Ice Box Canyon - we did the strenuous 2.5mile hike. It starts out easy, stay Left at split, then you have to cross over many, many, giant boulders to maybe see a seasonal waterfall. We were lucky Dec 18, 2014 and saw a small waterfall at the end of the trail.
Pine Creek Canyon - some hikers said it was their favorite, maybe next time.
Hope to visit again. Worth a visit.